available now for Mantrailing, Trail Hunt International & Scent Detection for dogs
Mantrailing is the fastest growing dog sport in the UK and is a great way to stimulate and enrich your dog. It is the ultimate game of HIDE AND SEEK for dog lovers! Mantrailing is a sport training dogs to find people by following their unique scent trail. All dog's have a natural ability to hunt and therefore Mantrailing provides them with an outlet to do this in a safe, controlled and constructive way. We teach them how to harness their ama... Learn More
Pups can join our classes from vaccinations upwards. It's a great activity for bonding and for tiring them mentally whilst their bones and joints are still growing.
Yes! Every dog has the ability to Mantrail as we are just harnessing their amazing sense of smell and channelling it into a fun game.
Introductions are usually held at Allan Bank, Grasmere. Our ... Learn More
I am now able to bring to you Trail Hunt International which is a brand new scent work sport - it’s a blend of tracking and trailing and accessible to all dogs.
The best bit is you can practice on your own in-between sessions. But don’t worry there will still be progression/club sessions to come to as well.
Instead of following human scent we teach the dogs to follow an aniseed odour trail to find their pod. Just as with mantrailing, the dog... Learn More